Table Tennis

Jamboree Guidelines

1. Table Tennis is a mixed-gender sport.

2. There is no limit how many players a school may send to a jamboree.

3. Games should be scheduled between 10-15 minutes. Each player should be scheduled for three games in any combination of singles and doubles.

4. Rules of Emphasis - Singles

a. Players will determine who serves first using rock-paper-scissors.

b. Those players capable of using a legal serve are expected to use one:

i. Ball held in the palm of an open hand

ii. Ball is struck from behind the back edge of the table

iii. Ball touches the service side, then the opponent’s side

iv. Each player will serve 2 consecutive serves

v. Ball can be served anywhere on the opponent’s side

c. Those players not capable of using a legal serve should use a “fault / double fault” system (similar to tennis)

i. First serve should aim to use a legal serve (see above)

ii. If the first serve is unsuccessful, then the second serve can be a drop onto the table and hit to the opponent’s side.

d. Team coaches are expected to use this rule in the spirit of the M.S. philosophy.

e. Players may play as many games to 11 points (win by 2 points) as possible in the time allocated.

f. Players will change ends of the table after each game has finished.

5. Rules of Emphasis - Doubles

a. Players will determine who serves first using rock-paper-scissors.

b. Service rules are the same as Singles except:

i. The ball must always be served diagonally from the right hand side to the left hand side of the table.

ii. Player A serves 2 times to Player C

iii. Player C then serves 2 times to Player B

iv. Player B then serves 2 times to Player D, etc.

v. Note: The player who receives the serves becomes the new server (their opponents switch sides of the table).

c. Players capable are expected to alternate hits.

d. Players not capable are encouraged to alternate hits, but are not expected to do so. However, this is a rule that should be taught and will be enforced in tournament, not jamboree.

e. Players will play as many games to 11 points (win by 2 points) as possible in the time allocated.

f. Players will change ends of the table after each game has finished.

Tournament Guidelines

For developmental tournaments, players will adhere to all expectations at jamborees. Each match should conclude with a handshake by all players. Below are the rules of emphasis: